$159/mo - Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes in San Fernando 91340


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Car Quotes in San fernando 91340

Compare by Car Providers in 91340 Quotes /mo*
Subaru Nationwide $168
Subaru Farmers $246
Odyssey Nationwide $178
Odyssey Farmers $263
Ford Nationwide $184
Ford Farmers $262
Jeep Nationwide $186
Jeep Farmers $269
Nissan Nationwide $200
Nissan Farmers $284
Honda Nationwide $199
Honda Farmers $289
Chevrolet Nationwide $211
Chevrolet Farmers $303
Dodge Nationwide $204
Dodge Farmers $307
Toyota Nationwide $212
Toyota Farmers $317
Audi Nationwide $228
Audi Farmers $333
BMW Nationwide $262
BMW Farmers $381
Tesla Nationwide $272
Tesla Farmers $393
Cadillac Nationwide $292
Cadillac Farmers $413

*Note: Cheapest car insurance quotes in San fernando 91340 for the SUV/Truck versions could vary by 5-20%. Contact Providers in 91340 below for custom quotes. You may also want to check how your credit score and age/sex affects quotes before contacting providers.

Provider Contacts in 91340

Insurance Provider


Farmers has the cheapest car insurance quotes in San fernando 91340 at the following Agent and Agency locations.
Farmers Agencies
Silvia Martinez

📞 (818) 898-0855

446 N Maclay Ave
San Fernando
California 91340
Amandeep Samra

📞 (818) 290-6946

405 N Maclay Ave
San Fernando
California 91340
Alex Nunez

📞 (818) 252-8133

660 N Maclay Ave
San Fernando
California 91340
Adriana Ascencio

📞 (818) 837-0613

929 N Maclay Ave
San Fernando
California 91340
Ahmad Maaz

📞 (818) 629-3000

601 S Brand Blvd
San Fernando
California 91340
Baltazar Martinez

📞 (747) 229-2086

811 San Fernando Rd
San Fernando
California 91340


Nationwide has the cheapest car insurance quotes in San fernando 91340 at the following Agent and Agency locations.
Nationwide Agencies
Casablanca Risk Mgmt & Insurance

📞 (818) 838-6655

313 S Brand Blvd
San Fernando
California 91340

Compare by FICO in san fernando 91340

Cheapest car insurance quotes in San fernando 91340 by FICO Score Comparison

Compare by Age/Sex in san fernando 91340

Cheapest car insurance quotes in San fernando 91340 by Age/Sex Comparison

Note: The tables/charts represent the cheapest car insurance quotes in San fernando 91340. The driving profile in san fernando 91340 is that of a single driver. The car driven is a base model with an average age under 5 years in the State of California.